Hi I am Maciej Migdał,

a bioinformatician and a programmer, working on problems of various difficulties, be it file processing automation or gene expression modeling. I specialize in processing and analyzing Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) data, such as RNA-seq. My expertise extends to Linux server administration, web application development, Excel automation, Raspberry Pi projects, and more!

If you face a challenge which requires a blend of technical expertise and biological insight, or you need an assistance in IT-related areas, do not hesitate to contact me.

Open source projects


an R package for inference of gene expression regulators

xcore is an R package for transcription factor activity modeling based on known molecular signatures and user's gene expression data. Accompanying xcoredata package provides a collection of molecular signatures, constructed from publicly available ChiP-seq experiments.

xcore workflow


Parser and tools for summarising outputs of samtools stats, with ATAC-seq in mind. Shipped together with a Shiny application to help visualize the outputs.

RNA-seq data analysis for biologists

RNA-seq workshop covering one of the simplest data analysis workflows, starting with data download and finishing at differential expression calling.

Wheather station

Mini-project weather station build around BME280 sensor using ESP32 and E-Ink display.


Meaningful Immunogenetic Data at Scale

midasHLA is an R package for statistical analysis of human immunogenetic variation in the form of HLA and KIR types. The package enables association analysis and using immunogenetic data transformation functions for HLA amino acid fine mapping, analysis of HLA evolutionary divergence as well as HLA-KIR interactions. midasHLA closes the gap between inference of immunogenetic variation and its efficient utilization to make meaningful discoveries.

midasHLA logo

ATAC-seq pipeline

Data analysis pipeline implemented in Nextflow. It starts with the raw FASTQ files and outputs peaks denoting nucleosome free regions toghether with count quantification. The pipeline supports peak calling using information from multiple replicates.


Mini-project, automatizing Shiitake mushrooms growth monitoring using Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi Camera.

picture of shiitake mushrooms

JavaScript FASTA format validator
